Saturday, 30 December 2017

It's the end of the year as we know it...

Well, unless you've spent 2017 full of mogadon and lager, you may well have noticed that the previous 12 months have been a quite wretched time. It's safe to say that its been about as much fun as being booted into a pit of broken glass covered in dog shit. With this in mind I'm going to wisely leave the geopolitical deconstruction to the broadsheets, Charlie Brooker, Frankie Boyle et al. Here at TOLAS we'll stick to what was actually a rather glorious year for music.
Songs and albums only tell part of the story of a given calendar year, but the best DJs can lend an additional context and depth. I find that mixes can help you understand unseen connections between disparate sounds and scenes — the way that only the best DJ's can. Whether it's cutting-edge electronica, nostalgic Balearia, old school techno and EBM or new wave weirdness. These are, in no particular order, our favourites of 2017.
Hope you enjoy some or all of them, and here's to a wonderous 2018. X

1: Young Marco. RA 571.

2: Vladimir Ivkovic. Live at Dekmantel 2017.

3: Solar: 10 Years of Huntleys & Palmers.

4: Lena Willikens. Live at Dekmantel 2017.

5: Manfredas: Renate Podcast 39.

6: Joe Gill & Alex Gryzbowski. Outlaws Yacht Club on KMAH, 11.07.17.

7: Kirsty P. NSA Guest Mix 29.

8: Andrew Thomson. Nasty Age Of Loving mixtape.

9: Nosedrip. Dekmantel Podcast 87.

10: Black Merlin at Strange Sounds From Beyond 2017.

11: Standeasy. Mind Garden #1.

Happy new year. Big love.
Mark. X

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