Reet then! It's back. The eighth installment of the frequently infrequent 'Needle Exchange' series of mixes. I try and knock one of these out every 8 - 10 months now with the same M.O. as always. Ruff and ready. All done live in one take, complete with crackles, jumps and the usual faux pas on a pair of 1200's, but now with this attempt, we've shot ourselves into the future and added some Traktor Vinyl action.
As ever, this one was cobbled together earlier this week in the sunny northern climbs up at Love And Smoking towers with the usual lack of care and attention you will have come to expect if you've heard any of the previous entries.
Enjoy, or don't. It's entirely your own choice.
Enjoy, or don't. It's entirely your own choice.
Big love.
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