H.O.M. (Helping Old Men.)
Sponsor An Old Man And See The Dfference.
Throughout the developing streets of Jesmond, Byker and Bensham, it is a stark fact that thousands upon thousands of old men, often widowers, are lonely and dressed in unsavoury clothes. Pensions don't go far today and life is no picnic for many of them. After 40 or more years of backbreaking labour in the bookies and signing on, their carpets are dirty, their food is undercooked and they are overrun with Guiness. It's a disgrace. Perhaps the greatest tragedy of all this is the systematic abolition from public houses of their preferred tipple - mild - in favour of gassy lagers and vitamin-free alcopops. Given access to their nutritious mild, with or without ork scratchings, these old men could live long and fruitful lives, breaking out of the cycle of misery forever. And that's where HOM, with your support, can help. When you sponsor an old man with H.O.M. you won't only be helping that old man - you'll be supporting his community too. Working with the community, H.O.M. establishes what needs are greatest and then directs its energies to fulfil them. It may be help with shopping, bathing, prostate problems or bowling. Whatever your sponsorship supports, you can be sure that your monthly contribution will improve, even save, lives - now and in the future.
Experience the joy of sponsoring an old man:
When you sponsor an old man, you are not left wondering what difference your money has made. One of the most important aspects of H.O.M.s work is facilitating the exchange of letters and photos between you and your sponsored old timer. Through these letters you will be able to chart his progress for yourself, and you, your sponsored old man and your respective families will learn about very different ways of life. As each of his bus passes expires you will be sent a photocopy of it for your records.
Sponsoring an old man today is easy:
How often do you get the chance to improve the life of not just one old man, but also the lives of his family, friends and the people he plays dominoes with? Sponsorship costs just £5 per month - thats under 17p pence per day - and can make a world of difference to an old man who will become a part of your life. But don't just take our word for it. Take a look at these letters from satisfied old men ,,,,,
Dear H.O.M.
I just had to write to tell you about my potato peeler. It's fixed and it's all down to your sponsorship thing. Not only that, but the £5 I receive each week from the Chadwicks has enabled me to trade up to Royals and pay off my tab at William Hill. It's a wonderful thing you've done for me. Yours Sincerely,
Ron Gillespie.
Dear H.O.M.
When we first began sponsoring Pete he was severley underweight had fallen into dissrepair and had a hole in his foot. Now he is a chipper 78-year-old with clean socks, two new hips and a proper shed. Bob and Cheryl Comanche,
South Gosforth.
What more proof do you need? Not as if we're pocketing all the readies ourselves only to blow it of a weekend on booze and heavily cut narcotics while we discuss to moral vaccum that is confidence trickery.
So there you go. Don't delay, sponsor an old man TODAY!
Mathew Dear & Carl Craig * B2B @ Trade Miami Dec 5th, 2014. by Thoughts On Love And Smoking. on Mixcloud
Music time now with a live recording from last years 'Art Basel' festival, the Worlds premier art show for modern and contemporary works where Mathew 'Audion' Dear and Carl Craig took over the decks at Miami's 'Trade' nightclub for a mammoth 6 hour session. Enjoy!
Till next time. Big love.
Mark. X
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