Now before I start I know this is going to be a contentious one as Slobodan is in fact as many of you will know a rather well know DJ. In fact he's something of a legend in certain circles. However, I'm working under the proviso that there are a few folk out there still haven't heard of him yet who deserve to. And even if you're more than familiar with his work, it's still an excuse to go back and listen to some of these, frankly outrageous, mixes!
Slobodan is one of the leading figures in the Serbian music scene, if not in the whole of former-Yugoslavia and has been for some years now. He's one of a handful of promoters, producers, artists and DJ's who've undoubtedly been responsible for Belgrade's rise on the cultural clubbing map of Europe. Running the Disco Not Disco party as well as nights on the Sava river at 20/44 alongside DJ Schwabe, he's hosted most of the preeminent underground talents of the scene. He is a truly uncategorisable DJ with an astonishing knowledge of music, able to weave club sounds, techno, house, weird mutant disco as well as Balearic, cosmic and krautrock effortlessly into the fabric of his sets. This is the REAL underground we're talking about here. If you got a favourite DJ? Chances are that this person most likely played Slobodan's party. That underground party we all want to be a part of, with no sponsors, no guest list, and no musical restrictions.
I'm pretty sure my first taste was either an old mix he did for the Noise In My Head website or a sterling turn on Tim Sweeney's Beats in Space show almost 10 years ago. These sets led me down many a rabbit hole, one of the wonderful musical palces they did take me was to his incredible 'East of Cosmic' trilogy of mixes. Without doubt some of my favourite musical selections that I've been borderline evangelical about banging on relentlessly to anyone who'd listen since I first heard them.
It's this set of mixes that I decided to upload for the purposes of this little piece, as I'm sure that anyone who's not had the pleasure of hearing Slobodan play before will undoubtedly want to seek out any/all recordings of him immediately after listening!
Happy hunting.
Follow 'Disco Not Disco' on Mixcloud, here.
Interview with Slobodan on Krossfingers, here.
Till next time.
Big love. Mark. X
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