Seeing as our egos are constantly forcing us to try to find new ways to annoy the public by inflicting our poorly thought out views on everything from music and culture to cheese and swearing on here, it was kind of inevitable that were eventually bound to search out even more mediums and possible avenues to do this. Hence our move into the murky hinterland that is radio broadcasting, and since March this year the good people over at the wonderful 'Purple Radio' have been kind/stupid enough to afford us the opportunity to do just this!
On a genuine aside it's a brilliant station (voted the UK's best internet radio broadcasters 2009 & 10) with some great shows and presenters and DJ's that REALLY know their onions, (which only serves to throw into stark relief their misjudgment in letting us loose on their airwaves.) We've been transmitting 2 live shows per month, which somehow, given the personnel involved, have without any serious hitches and uncharacteristically, we've actually made a real effort in digging out tunes, new and old, well known and not so, to put together something approaching a cohesive listening experience. We've also managed to secure some great guest mixes to play so we hope you can pop by and have a listen, support the station and get an earful of top quality(ish) music.
There's a bunch of our old show on our Mixcloud account here and you can listen to a recording of our latest monthly Saturday night live show from a couple of weeks back on the link below.
Big love. X
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