Monday, 8 December 2014

Rocks in the head, butterfly's in the stomach.

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Quick shout for an interesting looking venture from a couple of local scensters which is coming at you in the shape of 'Moon Rocks'. A monthly shindig held in the compact and bijou surrounds of Ernest (rapidly becoming one of the Towns best new rave boozers), it's been hatched from the fractured psyche's of Newcastle's very own musical polymath, Mick Rolfe and Sunderland's 2nd best musketeer, Pav. They're keeping things suitably secretive on what to expect but with both having a pretty strong musical pedigree, I'm sure we'll all be in safe hands. They're promising something a little left of center with regular guests from home and further afield, which in the current climate of heavily homogenised music in clubs and bars it' nice to see that there's still a few folk with the minerals to stick their heads above the trench walls.
Good luck to 'em.

The inaugural 'Moon Rocks' kicks off this Saturday (the 13th) between 8pm and 1am down in the heart of the Ouseburn district at Ernest. We suggest you get down there and get right amongst it!

Big love.
Mark. X

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