I’m not a fan of radio. Anyone will tell yer! They’ll say….”Phyllis, he doesn’t like the radio”, pointing in my direction and jabbing to make the point stick. I’ll nod, pull up a chair, and sit on it backwards, telling them why. I don’t like people talking over music. I don’t like most music. And I don’t like the public, at least the public who phone in to talk about their boring lives and try to win a day off with Sam Sparrow. I don’t know what that means really.
I’d like radio more if it was presented in a style I liked and appreciated. As in, deranged, cruel, dark, horrifying.
“That was the barking dogs hour – 60 minutes of the best barking dog noises, all hour. Uninterrupted mate, uninterrupted. That particular hour contained doberman, daschunds, German Sheperds, all of ’em. All of ’em. I’m Benny Chipotle, and you’re listening to Flap FM.
Coming up! Your shit phonecalls, wasted time and effort for nothing. Call in and tell me what you’re doing and I’ll pretend to care, which I don’t. Here’s a new one; it’s four minutes of a dot matrix printer printing out a nude picture of a woman. Fuck off."
If radio was more like that I'd likely be an avid listener. With that in mind, one of the only broadcasts that I do deign to spend my incredibly precious time listening are Wilkins & Smagghe's twice monthly excursions into audio self indulgence on NTS 'Channeling'. As such, my interest levels were suitably piqued when this brace of beauties popped up pon di old Mixcloud platform this morning complete with a few words of explanation from the lad Wilkins himself. Regardez ci-dessous vos imbéciles...
"A few years ago, Ivan Smagghe and myself had ambition... We wanted to rule the world, or at least get out of bed. Hence an idea that no one had before: "why don't we make a double CD mixed compilation that will show our eclectic tastes to the world, like a beacon of light in a sea of "cheeky tech house". But then we went for a walk, bought some shoes or something, and forgot. Rest assured, the compilation project is still being worked on but it's a tough world out there. So we decided to give out those two "snapshot of an era" mixes as our tastes are ever changing. This was the first year of Channeling, Hawkwind obsession, Vladimir and Yugoslavian influences, The Family of God and others, a couple of edits. We hope you enjoy the time machine trip..."
Till next time.
Big love. Mark. X
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